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Thinking of limiting your alcohol or quitting drinking?

If you have found yourself at a place in life where you’re having difficulty controlling your alcohol consumption, you are by no means alone.

Many other people are struggling with this also.

The struggle can engulf many aspects of your life.

For instance, the problems alcohol can cause while on the job are numerous. Just getting to work is a hazard if you are still affected from last night’s drinking. If you drive while still impaired, you are taking a great risk of causing an accident and hurting or killing yourself and or others. You would be risking losing your driver’s license as well as facing jail time and high court costs and fines. If faced with this situation, you are likely to get fired.

While at work, if you make it safely, there can be a hypervigilant need to watch what you say. Are your coworkers finding your jokes funny? Does it feel like everyone is watching you? Are you constantly drinking water, energy drinks or coffee and chewing gum or popping breath mints and vitamins just to feel normal?

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One Day at a Time Worry Stone. Click Here to Check it Out! I may earn a commission on qualified purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.


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There is a lot of maintenance that goes along with a lifestyle of heavy drinking.

There is fear that a coworker could turn you in for smelling of alcohol or acting “off”.  There can be fear or experiences of losing your temper with a coworker. Maybe you’ve gotten sick at work and had to throw up from too much drinking the night before.  Do you have to operate machinery or equipment? If you work in an office and send out emails, you might find yourself needing to check your emails over and over again before you send them, to avoid saying anything you regret.

Anyone suffering in this situation on a frequent basis is not enjoying that lifestyle.

Other parts of your life that are affected negatively by uncontrollable or excessive drinking habits might include family relationships and responsibilities, friendships, your finances, your energy level and health, and your mood and mental wellbeing.

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Many people are going through the struggle of trying to drink less alcohol, trying to drink less often or trying to quit alcohol completely.

Many people who have successfully quit drinking have only done so after more than one attempt and often it’s several attempts.

Even after successfully quitting drinking, the desire to have a drink again can show up unexpectedly.

For instance, a family member or roommate may keep alcohol in your house. They may even drink right in front of you.

These challenges can mount up.

People in TV shows and movies really make having a drink look enjoyable. Just one or two, right? Unfortunately, it isn’t always that easy for some people to have just one or two drinks and it may be very difficult to only drink on the weekends.

There’s good news! The first step to changing life for the better is recognizing that there is a need for change.

There are many reasons you may want to change your drinking habits if you feel like you have a problem.

With less alcohol in your system, you will have clearer thinking and will be able to make good life choices. You will have more energy throughout your day. It will be much better for your health. You will be living a lifestyle with less risk.

You will see more opportunities present themselves in your life and you will be prepared to greet them with open arms.

Sober Recovery Hoodie – EKG Pulse – Click Here to see it! I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.


Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book. Click Here to See the Book. I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.


Alcohol Free Tru Dream Cherry Berry Shots. Click Here to Check them Out! I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.


Tru Dream Seltzer, Alcohol Free Calming Drinks. Click Here to Check Them Out! I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.



I was almost 3 hours late for work a couple of times. I didn’t wake up to the alarm because I drank so much. I’m so afraid I won’t wake up in time. I have about 4 staggering alarms set for several years now. One goes off every 20 minutes until I get up.

–  Anonymous

Why Can’t I Drink Like Everyone Else. Click Here to See the Book. I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.



Of course, I enjoyed the hours of drinking, becoming engrossed in watching TV. I stayed up way too late and felt like I had a second day after work. I went without enough sleep for years. Driving to work in the early morning I had to grip that steering wheel tight due to the hangover.

–  Anonymous

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Working third shift made my drinking habit worse. How strange it was to leave work just after the sun rose. Stopping to pick up alcohol in the early morning was awkward. The rest of the world seemed to be happily starting their day, not ending it. I tiredly fought my desire to stay up for a few hours or to go for a walk in the daylight. I was so exhausted and if I couldn’t fall asleep, I’d be in rough shape for work the next night. Insomnia was my unwanted companion. I pulled the curtains as tightly closed as possible. Still, bright thin beams of sunlight shined through.

I spent the nights downing coffee to stay alert for my third shift job at the truck stop. After work, that morning at the grocery store, I picked up a large bottle of red wine, planning to drink all or most of it just so I could fall asleep. For dinner, I had grabbed a cold deli plastic container full of fried chicken. The chicken was surprisingly good after it was nuked. Or maybe I was just that hungry.  I tried to trick my mind into believing it was the dark of night, inside my room. I didn’t have much time to get the wine going and it would take a lot to help me fall asleep and stay asleep.

Finally, I was out. Maybe a few hours in, I woke up. suddenly sick, I rushed to the bathroom sink. Oh my, there was no control and no choice, no time to choose the toilet instead. I didn’t know it was going to be that bad. What followed was unstoppable puking. It looked like a gross murder scene, complete with chunks of red wine-soaked fried chicken. What a mess that sink was!

– Anonymous


The 10-Day Alcohol Detox Plan – Click Here to Check the Book Out! I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.


Daily Electrolyte Drink Mix – Click Here to try it! I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon Affiliate.


Liver Detox Apple Flavor Gummies. Click Here to Check them Out! I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases as an Amazon affiliate.



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